Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Jiangxi & Huangshan

After hearing so much on the beauty of Mt Huangshan, I decided to make a trip to Huangshan with ASA Holidays.

Took China Eastern from Singapore to Shanghai (I hate to fly with the Chinese airlines but I don't have a choice as I need domestic transfer and to purchase domestic air tickets on its own is really very ex). The whole trip started off in a not so fantastic note. The flight to Shanghai was delayed for a couple of hours. The worst thing is that ASA did not notify all of us on the flight delay. So, the whole tour was at the airport at the stipulated timing, only to discover to our horrors that the flight is only taking off at 7pm! Worse thing is that ASA did not even apologise for not informing us, and keep saying they also don't know. C'mon, everything also don't know. Yeah right, only God would know!!!

After much waiting and waiting, the flight finally took off. Due to the delay, we reach our hotel in Shanghai around 2 am.... and we have a morning call at 4 am as we need to catch a 7am flight to Nanchang in Jiangxi..... AArrhhhhhhh!!!! Less than 2 hrs of sleep!!!

When we reached Nanchang, the provincial of Jiangxi, we proceeded to see the Bayi square, built in memory of the 1 Aug Nanchang uprising, and the Teng Wang Pavilion, one of the 3 most famous pavilions in south of Yangtze River.

Overseeing Teng Wang Pavilion:-

After this, we drove 3 hours to Jingdezhen, the capital of porcelain, and rest there for the night.

The next day, we went to Wuyuan village, an hour drive from Jingdezhen. Wuyuan is known as the most beautiful countryside in China. During our stay in Wuyuan, we visited the Xiaoqi village, Likeng village, and the famous Rainbow Bridge. The Rainbow Bridge is really very nice and I love it there. However, I found the other villages so so, maybe because we have missed the flower seasons by 2 weeks, otherwise the villages would look really nice with yellow flower fields.

Rainbow Bridge

The Qiaoqi Village

After touring Wuyuan, we proceeded to Tunxi, located the foot of Mt Huangshan. In Tunxi ancient street, we happened to bum into an Chinese Communist Party official from Beijing. There were so many reporters, body guards, police, and the whole street was so crowded. We also visited tte hsee Country, famous for the complex of Tangyue Archways and the Xuguo Archway, the only eight-posted archway in China.

Tangyue Archways:-

The next day, we went up to Mt Huangshan. I would say Mt Huangshan is a disappointment for me. It looks like Zhangjiajie which I went in end December/January, but I find Zhangjiajie nicer (maybe because of the snow in Zhangjiajie). We visited BeiHai Scenic Area, the Shixing Peak, and the Xihai Scenic Area. Sad to say, we did not have the luck to see the imfamous sea of cloud.. hiaz....

From Huangshan, we went to Jiuhuashan and visited the Yueshan Previous Hall, the Baishui Gong and some smaller temples there. I actually preferred Putuoshan and Wutaishan as compared to Jiuhuashan. Somehow, the other 2 places seem nicer to me.

From Jiuhuashan, we drove to Hefei where we took a domestic flight back to Shanghai. I love Shanghai, even though a lot of my friends dislike this city. My aunt and her family drove us around Shanghai, visiting their apartment, the local markets and of course, eating & shopping!!! hahahaha, there's much for me to say except that I ate a lot, and shopped a lot. I came back with a lot of stuff, including something which I don't really want (which is my weight gain)!

On the whole, I rank this trip the worst of all my China trip, worst in terms of tour agency and sightseeing. Hmmm, maybe I have seen too much of China that's why?

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