Thursday, October 29, 2009

Scenic Jiangnan

The trip is the first time I took an overnight flight.... so tiring. A round of applause to the exceptionally excellent service by the SIA stewardess. Always wake me up to eat, eat and EAT, (but all i want is to sleep, SLEEP and SLEEP!!!).
Oh, have u watch sunrise before? Managed to catch a glimpse of sunrise on top of the plane. Real nice.


Okie, my first stop after landing in Shanghai is at Suzhou which is famous for its landscaped gardens. It took around 3 hrs bus ride to travel there. Visited a famous garden (liu yuan), which is listed in the World Cultural Heritage, the Hanshan Temple, which is one of the ten most famous temples in China. During Chinese New Year’s Eve, thousands of visitors at home and abroad gather inside and outside of the temple to listen to the one hundred and eight bell tolls at the same time praying for luck and happiness in the New Year. I paid 5 yuan to go up the bell tower to knock 3 times on the bell. Hopefully, that would bring me good luck :)
Also visted the silk factory and witness how silk is produced. Of course, I bought the imfamous silk blanket....


After Suzhou, we went to Hangzhou, famous for the West Lake. I took a cruise on the West Lake, visted the Meijiawu Tea Garden (where the TV show on the tea drama was shot), and visted the Yue Fei's temple which was built in 1221 to honour General Yue Fei who made such a great contribution to China defending his country against the aggression of Jin invaders. Also went to the mysterious Six Harmony Padago, where it was rumoured that the Qing Dynasty emperor Qian Long met his Han brother (who is the leader of the Hong Hua Sect, a Sect aiming to overthrown the Qing). If only I have a time machine to venture back to that scene.....


Nanjing is the capital for 6 dynasties, the last one being the Ming. Here, i visted the Yangtze River Bridge, which flies over Yangtze River. The bridge was the first double deck and double track highway and railway bridge designed and constructed by Chinese. Other places that I visted include the Zhong Hua Gate, the Sun Yat Sen's tome (which offers a beautiful sight of Nanjing town when one ascend to the highest point in the tome).
Also, I visted the Memorial Hall to the World War II, which was one of the few execution sites and mass burial place of the Nanjung massacre. History has it that Nanjing was occupied by Japanese Army, who thus started a nightmarish holocaust that transformed the paradise in to a hell.


Wuxi is famous for the Taihu Lake, which is the third largest freshwater lake in China, and Turtle Head Islet is the place most worth visiting and the best venue to view Taihu Lake. Although this is a small town (as compared to the rest), I spent most of my $$$ here. Don't know what's wrong with me, but i actually go and buy a S$700+ pearl !!! Oh mine....


Shanghai is the most hip city in China. Needless to say, shopping awaits me. Guess i dun have to say much about this city.

Mt Putuo

On the last day of the tour, I went free & easy to an island south of Shanghai, called Mt Putuo (and Luojiashan). It is believed that this is where Guanyin resides. Other attractions include the "Fang Yin Cave",“Golden Sands"," Exotic Rocks","Tide Sounds and "Mirage" which are callad Five Putuo Beauties,and" Lotus Pool's Night","Pantuo Evening GIow"," Duanyin Sacred Site" etc., which are caIled Ten Famous' Sites. There's so much to write about this, so i guess if anyone wanna knows more, u can visit the website

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